Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tour de Bayou #3

No running yesterday. Tour de Bayou #3 today.

Tough, short course laid out for today's runners. I enjoyed the run. Even though my legs felt good, I walked the hills. I need to stop wimping-out on the hills. Equally wimpy performance through the "out and back, douple-loop" course. Poor effort on my part. With the exception of a dozen ant bites, I had fun.

Activity: Cross Country Run
Mileage: 2.71 miles
Time: 30:52 -- 11:23 pace
Location: Spotts Park
How I Felt: 9

Pre-race jog with Coach Steeve. My garmin hadn't acquired enough satellites, so all I have is the time. I'm making an educated guess on the mileage.

Warm up: 9:12 -- 0.90 miles -- 10:13 pace

I've made several hints about my weight getting out-of-control. Its been a steady incline since breaking 200. I know exactly what to do, but its not happening. Starting tomorrow, I want to post my weight again.... at least for awhile. Maybe seeing the number will help motivate me. Be ready to be appalled at tomorrows number. This morning I nearly **shit** myself when I saw it. :-(


Steve Bezner said...

Hang in there Bill, you'll make it. Never give up! My best advice is to weigh yourself everyday and make adjustments as you go.

You can do it! I have no doubt!

Anonymous said...

As one who will always struggle with her weight, I'm here for you! I know, I understand, "I feel your pain" and all that jazz! You are not a number, you're a way cool guy who brings a smile to my face every time I see you.

But I know how important that number IS when you're trying to maintain so I'm here to cheer you on too! I admire your bravery in wanting to be accountable and posting your numbers...let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you win the weight-war! I may need your help someday too...

Humble Runner said...

Wow. Thanks for the inspiring words. That is EXACTLY what I need right now.

I agree with you Steve. Starting tomorrow, I'll post my morning weight. My running software takes the "pain" out of weight fluctuations by equating the number(s) into a 7-day average.

Thanks Pony and Steve B. I know I can succeed with friends like you. You two ROCK!

Anonymous said...

Since about mid-Sept you have only had 2 runs where you felt less than an 8/10. If you were to do a 7 day average on how you feel, one might argue that you feel about an 8.8 or 9/10 consistently on your runs. When I start to get down on certain things I turn my focus on the things that are going well for me. Continue to focus on how great you are running and feeling out there! Good seeing you tonight at Spotts park! Have a good one!

Anonymous said...


Good running yesterday and good discussion on weight management. You were going great with posting your daily weight a while back so it makes sense to return to that and make it work for you. And, always great to get input, motivation and support from Steve and Pony, experts on the topic.


Unknown said...

Wow, wakeup call for Vic. You guys are awesome. So many "diet gurus" say to put the scale away. Not me. I weigh every day, at the same time. My true weight is calculated as well but not by a moving average. My spreadsheet basically subracts today's weight from yesterday's true weight and then gives me 10% of the difference. Isn't that something? I only get credit from day to day for 10% of my weight loss. LOL!! So on day's I lose like 2 lbs., my true weight only goes down like .2 lbs. It's actually kind of good. Keeps me from getting too excited over big fluctuations, either up or down.

Hang in there Bill. Remember, you're my hero.