Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pointless Thursday Ramblings

When you're dieting, why can't every week be as easy as the first week? During those first few days you're totally motivated, you see lots of weight loss (mostly water), and most importantly... it seems EASY. I suppose if it were effortless everybody would be fit, right?

This morning I had another significant drop in weight. I'm refraining from getting too excited because I know these trends will end soon. This time next week, I'll be excited about a 1/4 pound loss. Its the nature of the beast. Those of you that DO NOT battle with your weight, thank your lucky stars. What I put my body through (the good and the bad) is not fun.

Last night, David "Git-R-Dun" Minkin told me that he doesn't own a scale and has not weighted himself in a couple years. Talk about inspiring! There again, if you know David, you would agree that he is VERY active and leads a healthy lifestyle. That is exactly where I want to be. With every weight loss attempt, I get a little closer to a healthier balance. My day to shine is just around the corner.

Sorry, for the meaningless chatter. I'll quit typing what is going through my head.... for now.

Body Weight: 212.5

Activity: Run
Mileage: 6 miles
Time: 1:08:00 -- 11:20 pace
Location: Home Treadmill
How I Felt: 7

Activity: Bike
Mileage: 7.27 miles
Time: 36:05
Location: Woodland Pines Subdivision
How I Felt: 9

I'm really tired. Today made eleven straight running days (70.6 miles). I had hoped to run 8 miles today, but as you can see above I only made six miles before hitting the bike. Looking forward to an off day tomorrow. I have to get the treadmill calabrated. There is no way I ran an 11:20 pace. Well, I hope I wasn't running that slow. Whew, my legs are KILLING ME!


Unknown said...

Whew!! You got that right, Bill. Starting over is always good and you really see progress early on. I got in sort of a run for a while where I was starting over every Monday morning. I was seeing real weight loss during the week then I'd fall off the wagon and not eat right over the weekend. I'd gain a little back and then start over Monday. Consistency is my biggest issue. I think we definitely have the knowledge. Putting it to work and sticking to it is my biggest challenge.

Anonymous said...

WTG Bill! Keep it droppin' The the beauty of weighing yourself each day is that you don't get too far out of a range or direction which allows you to manage it easier.

I'm not losing weight anymore, but I still weigh myself each day and if I found myself up a little I make adjustments the next day or two, but I don't worry about it. Of course, with the SMARTie training it seems I consume more calories without gaining (and sometimes losing) any weight, but not an requirement to lose weight. :)

Go Bill. Seeya the Half - Water Station #4


Anonymous said...

oh yeah, don't let that Dave guy fool you, he's been known to sleep in a time or two on Saturaday morning long run. :) Although he can catch us slow guys once he get's his engines fired up!

Git-R-Dun Dave, seeya at the half as well!


Anonymous said...

The sage Steve B has described my approach to weight management and running to a T.

Rock 'em at The Half, dude!


Anonymous said...


The great thing about the Striders is that we all can look to each other for inspiration on any number of topics. I just love seeing guys like you, Steve, and Vic chasing and accomplishing your goals. I get fired up when I see you guys win the small battles long the way and shoot towards victory. For example, last week when you accomplished your first 50 mile week, I was so fired up that I put a few extra miles in on Sunday (I calculate my weekly mileage Monday-Sunday) so that I too could get 50 miles for the week.
Obviously by reading the other comments posted, I am not the only one who gets pumped up with your progress and determination.
So great job Bill! Keep those legs and arms pumpin' and "git er dun".

Anonymous said...

I'm very pleased and a little jealous at your great results on the daily weigh-in! But I'm starting to get concerned as you have been losing 2 lbs every DAY! Just be careful...I want to hear about your life and running for many more days to come = )