Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cycle, pain, weight loss

Yesterday I completed 30 minutes on a recumbent bike. Glad to report no issues.

Surgery was a week ago Monday. The first four days were perfect, no pain, no aches.... nothing. Then late Thursday something odd happened. I started having pain behind my knee, which radiating up into my hamstring and down into my calf. It was bearable, yet very uncomfortable (it was a constant ache). Over the weekend we noticed a bruise over the body of my calve. Most of the muscle aching has disappeared, only to be replaced by the old knee pain at night. When I sleep on my side the knee feels like it is "side loaded" and causes me a lot of pain. Over the last three nights, it has waken me up 10+ times per night. This was one of the reasons I had surgery. So, I don't know what to think. I'm able to sleep on my back with my leg propped up. Unfortunately, being a big-guy, it is hard for me to sleep on my back..... its uncomfortable. Hopefully things will improve soon.

I started a "light" diet the day of surgery. Lost a few pounds this week. I gained some motivation from Catherine Kruppa, Erin, and others, which has lead to more serious dieting. I want to blog it all, but I hate eating crow. I get all excited and motivated then BAM, its all over. Maybe its better if I keep the information to myself. Hell, most of you would fall out of your chair if I told you what my weight is..... its that bad!

At some point I hope to learn from my mistakes. Also need to realize the middle road of all my extremes will lead to a happier life.


Unknown said...

I'm right there with you, dude! Let's get 'er done, k?

Anonymous said...

Dude, may the pain go away. Pain hurts! On weight management, isn't "the photo" enough for motivation? Yikes, you don't want to look like *** that ***!


Anonymous said...

Maybe some fun in the Corpus sun will help you this weekend.

TX Runner Mom said...

You can do it Bill. I have been at one extreme or the other for about 2 years now. I am very ready to "just do it".