Saturday, September 16, 2006

New Distance PR

The schedule: 2 mile warm up, silly walks, 3 miles at 10k pace, 7 miles, 3 miles at 10k pace, and 2 miles cool down. I talked with coach yesterday about a personal amendment to the run. I PLANNED to run the entire 17-mile distance, but at a "run-forever-pace".

It was hot. It was humid. I ran 15 miles and walked about 1.5 miles.

Spent the first five miles slowing myself down. My legs kept trying to run a 9:40 pace. I felt really good to the 7 mile mark. The heat beat me up once we started Cullen Park. Lots of nausea. The good news is, I think I know what is causing my long run nausea. The issue seems to be rooted around the use of Sport beans. Anyone want to buy a box of really cheap sport beans or trade for GU? Kate helped me along to the 13 mile mark. Thanks Kate, you rock! The last two miles included lots of walk breaks and a few "extended water breaks".

Had the weather been better, I'm confident I could have made the full distance. I know this because I felt fine running in the shade. Whereas, running in the direct sun areas was hideous, leading to the distance shortage.

I'd like to chunk up a duce to my running peeps, who were of immeasurable help today: Kate, Bessie, and Coach. Secondary shout outs to; Steve B., Barb, David, Sam, Jim, Cissy, Jennie, Hillary, Aimee, Kevin, Chris, Carole, Chip, Mark, Santos, Tim, Stacy, and Megan. Hopefully, I didn't miss any other really, really good Strider friends.

Activity: Long run
Mileage: 15 miles
Time: 2:37:20 -- 10:29 pace
10:14, 10:01, 9:57, 9:59, 10:03,
10:15, 10:14, 10:30, 10:46, 10:50,
10:58, 10:54, 10:59, 10:27, 11:13
Location: Little Bear Park - Cullen Park
How I felt: 6


Anonymous said...

You mean, you aren't sore that we played the "double duration double intensity silly walks" trick on you? :-)

Just to complete the "really really great guy" roll call we had Hillary, Aimee, Kevin, Chris, Carole, Megan, Mark G, David, Jennie, Sam, Jim and Cissy. They all enjoyed sharing misery with you this morning and celebrating your distance PR!


Steve Bezner said...

Awesome run Bil! Sorry I couldn't stick around to cheer you on, but I was there in spirit!

Go Bill! Go Bill!

Unknown said...

Just the way I walked a little less than 10% of your 17-miler. I walked a little less than 10% of my 8 miler. The humidity was brutal out there. Then when the sun came up, I was toast. Still finished the last 1 mile running pretty well. I need to learn some mental games to get me through these runs.