Thursday, September 14, 2006

Glad today is over

Schedule: 2 mile warm up, silly walks, SMARTie Hop, 3 mile cool down. No meltdown today in preparation of Saturdays 17 miler.

The workout went well. The events surrounding the workout sucked!

Activity: Run
Mileage: 5.37 miles
Time: 49:51 -- 9:30 pace
2-mile warm up: 10:16, 9:33
4 greyhounds (roughly 400 meters total): 1:31 -- 6:06 pace
3-mile cool down: 9:26, 9:21, 9:44
Location: Rice University
How I Felt: 9.5 for the actual workout

I also walked 4 miles today.

1 comment:

TX Runner Mom said...

Sorry you had a bad day! Now, go kick some butt on that 17-miler tomorrow!