Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Life is Good

Nasty weather killed my evening run. I was hoping to run hills tonight, but it's 40 degrees outside and raining. If I was a tough man I would run in the cold rain, but I'm not! Plus, Taylor is home this week and she is still too young to stay home alone.

No problem... time to execute plan "B". I have a big race this weekend and a build-in 'flex' day. The last minute change of plans will not be a problem on the schedule.

I set up the bike trainer and rode for an hour while watching the Biggest Loser. Whenever I skip a run I don't truly feel like I worked hard enough to burn significant calories. Not to discredit cycling, but cycling seems too easy. Tonight I cranked the resistance waaaay up for the last ten minutes. When I finished riding my thighs were HUGE from all the blood in the muscle. It was kind of cool looking.

After the ride I completed a lower body workout, which felt great. As an added bonus, Andrea joined me in the gym. Its been months since she lifted weights, yet she did really well. I was out of the gym for a couple months myself, but I'm officially back. This week I've resumed all my prior weights from where I left off.

I feel strong, both mentally and physically. More importantly... I'm happy.

Bike Trainer:
17.64 miles
17.61 mph

Strength Training:
Lower Body


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude, that 197 looks GREAT!!! That's REAL sub-200. As in, you've got some breathing room.