Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I have a small group of friends and every one of them are truly good people. I’m lucky to say I know them and consider these guys, GREAT friends.

Last night Josh, Wyatt, Tom, and Westin treated me to a bachelor party, which was both wickedly fun and adventurous. Even though I drank enough liquor for ten people, I managed to keep the food in check. As expected, I woke up with a massive headache and tired (didn’t get home till well after 3am).

I didn’t let last nights shenanigans stop me from running. Andrea and I ran eight miles through the greenbelts. It was raining and it was dark, but it was also an amazing run!

Night time has become my favorite time to run. Normally the greenbelts are pitch black, but the trees have lost most of their leaves, which has yielded way to nearby light sources. I also assume the moon is nearly full because the overcast skies seemed oddly bright. We ran the entire eight miles without the use of our headlamps. Actually, I turned my light on for a few seconds when we entered the pedestrian tunnel. There was water and I didn’t want to get any wetter than necessary.

My fitness level and legs felt good. I had an odd feeling in my right hamstring. I’m not sure how to describe it, as I’ve never had this issue before. It feels sore, similar to the soreness I experience when lifting heavy weights after a long time off. I’m not too worried about it, but I’ll keep an watchful eye on the area.

8.0 miles
11:44 pace

1.2 miles
16:51 pace

Body Weight:
194.5 lbs

As you can see, my body weight has been steady at 194-195. As usual, Vic’s last comment was very insightful. I’m not ready to push the panic button nor will I ever throw in the towel. I simply need to make better choices! Now I just need to survive Christmas, my wedding, and a week of vacation. After that I’ll be out of excuses.

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