Saturday, July 18, 2009

Las Colina's Trail

I CANNOT believe the Houston Half-marathon sold out in 24 hours. That is CRAZY. This is going to complicate the running schedule with Kingwood FIT and I'm curious how we will mitigate the issue. Andrea and I had a knee jerk reaction and decided to sign her up for the full marathon. We were going to do it anyways, but we didn't have plans to pay this soon. I want to sign up too, but I'm not sure I will be ready.

Long, yet informative day two at ACSM certified Personal Training class.

Took the advice of the instructor and ran the Las Colina's trail. Nice, wide, and scenic trial. The sun was still high in the sky and there isn't a lot of shade, so it was a hot run. The truck temperature gauge read 97 degrees.

Andrea ran with me. Snail crawl for her, but I'm always glad to have her company. Six cycles of run 3-minutes, walk 1-minute. Small warm up walk and extended cool-down walk.

1.18 miles
18:01 pace

1.49 mile
12:05 pace

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