Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Ahhh, rain!

Thank goodness it is raining! My lawn is all but dead. We've been in a serious drought and the Houston area have seen a record number of triple digit temperatures.

I ran in a slow, refreshing drizzle. It didn't help my cardio-fitness level, but it allowed me to execute the run at noon. Seven minute warm-up walk, 16-minute run, followed by an eight minute cool-down.

I don't feel comfortable running. It's hard to explain. I'm the furthest thing imaginable from smooth and efficient. Almost feels like I'm running with prosthetic legs... and I'm just throwing them forward for the next step. I hope this goes away soon. No knee pain, so that is always good news.

I've been telling everyone at work that I'm officially going GREEN starting tomorrow.... kind of. The plan is to start riding my bike to work everyday. The mere 7-mile ride is a no brainer, except crossing the San Jacinto River bridge, where I will have to jockey for position on HWY 59. They have an advantage traveling 70+ mph, with four wheels! I've cycled to work twice on the weekends without any serious issues. I'd prefer to ride my rode bike, but I think it is smarter to ride my trail bike just in case I need to ride in the grass, if need be.

0.85 mile
17:40 pace

1.26 mile
12:42 pace

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