Monday, July 27, 2009

Day Zero

I have completed my self-prescribed knee surgery recovery and am now shifting into "serious" training effective TODAY. The next 30-days of my periodization schedule looks tough. Hopefully this is the swift kick in the ass I need to get back on track.

I'm starting with a great quote I found earlier this week:

Gluttony is the source of all our infirmities and the fountain of all our diseases.

Certainly a statement worthy of thought, right?

Spent most of the day on the bike, or at least it felt that way. Biked home from work this morning.

Trail Bike:
6.15 miles
11.26 mph

At noon Steve and I rode our road bikes through Eisenhower Park. There's two little hills in the area and he wanted to work on his climbing abilities. We parked at West Lake Houston Parkway and rode 4 miles to the park, then rode three loops which included the hills, and came back to our truck for a total of 13 miles. My endurance felt fine, but it seemed to take a long time to recover after climbing those hills.

Road Bike:
13.03 miles
14.6 mph

I was short on my pledge for 2 hours of cardio, so I jumped on my trail bike for the balance of my daily cardio fix. Made one stop in the middle due to a small grass fire. A couple kids lit some debris on fire along the greenbelt. I could smell the fire for a couple miles away, so I was looking for it. When I found the fire, it was down in a dry creek bed and I saw the kids flea the scene. I climbed down to the creek and extinguished the fire. One of the kids was silly enough to leave his cell phone behind, so I looked in the saved numbers list and called his father. No one answered, so I left a message of the whereabouts and wrong doing of his kid. And to make matters more interesting, I dropped the phone off at the police station with an explanation of how I obtained the phone. Now they have to retrieve the phone from HPD. Although, I'm not sure they will, knowing they "could" get in more trouble.

Trail Bike:
6.32 miles
11.28 mph

To wrap up the day I hit the gym. It was sinfully hot in my garage gym. I must of drank a gallon of water, but I managed to finish an upper body workout. Also threw in 15 minutes of static stretching. I felt soooo much better after a few light stretches. This was truly a wake up call to remind myself how important stretching is to any program.

Weight Training:
Upper Body + Stretches

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting day to say the least.