Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Shepherd Hill

Today's theme: You ask for it, you shall receive! Before the start of tonight's run I made a suggestion for six miles. I also opened my mouth and said I should run when it is hotter. Recently, I have ran either very early, very late, or in the rain. Well, tonight was the night to experience the heat. The route was from the aquatic center to Shepherd Hill via Blossom and back via Memorial/Crestwood.

I ran the second half with some very talented Strider ladies (Amy, Bessie, and Melissa). These ladies are quite a bit faster than me, which made the pace uncomfortable. I was very appreciative and embraced the extra effort needed on my part. I could have made six miles at an uncomfortable pace, but coupled with the heat was simply too much for me. When we arrived back at the aquatic center (4.5 miles), I couldn't have done six miles if my life depended on it... so I thought.

Moving on to the positive stuff. The big one... no shin pain! Yeah! This was an excellent training run. I always try to learn from each session. Tonight I learned that heat beats up your mental game a lot more than the physical. In the past, I have gauged my effort by recovery time. Tonight, I recovered fast. Looking back, I assume I had something left. The heat made me think I was done. I'm smarter now having completed this run.
And finally, every Strider run is a Great Run! I look forward to the runs, the people, and the fun each and every week.

Activity: Weight Training
Body Region: Total Body (upper, mid-body, and lower)
Time: 1.5 hours
Location: Home Gym
How I Felt: 9

Activity: Group Run
Mileage: 4.57 miles
Time: 44:15 (9:40/mile pace)
Laps: My pace was all over the place.
6:04 (0.57 mile)
Location: Memorial Park
How I felt: 9.5 up to the 2 mile mark. Score of 7 the remainder of the run

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Running with Amy, Bessie, and Melissa must have been an inspiration. I didn't know you were a ladies' man. Just joking.

Striders are everywhere. I love our club. Big time!

Glad shins feeling alright.