Tuesday, June 20, 2006

2 Runs = Shin Splint

Two runs today. One sloooooow run before work on the treadmill. Second run at work, around, and around, and around, and around the fire station. The second run was faster, but my shin splint started hurting again. The pain is in the exact same location as before (Left leg, anterior side, medial aspect). Normally, the pain goes away after a mile, but not today. Today the pain was on and off the entire time. Here's the numbers:

Activity: Morning Run
Mileage: 3 miles
Time: 39:00 minutes average pace 13:00/m
Location: Treadmill (1% incline)
How I felt: 8... I don't do mornings

Activity: Run at Work
Mileage: 3.09 miles
Time: 29:35 Average pace 9:31/m
0:53 (0.09 mile)
Location: Humble Fire Department
How I Felt: 7

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't aggravate those shins. Take it easy. Wow, 2-a-day's. What an animal.