Monday, October 26, 2009


Rainy Recovery Run.

I feel great! My legs are fresh and the aching on the bottom of my right foot is all but gone. All this following a solid effort at yesterday's half marathon. I attribute the majority of my success to S-caps, which are amazing and will forever be a part of my double digit runs.

Andrea and I ran 5 miles on the greenbelts. It's been raining all day and continued raining while we ran. There were several areas we crossed with ankle deep water. Wet and cold, but it was FUN splashing though the puddles. With a little discipline we were able to maintain a "recovery pace". Both of us were itchy to take off, yet we held ourselves back in lieu of the "big picture".

After the run I rode the bike trainer for 45 minutes. The periodization portion of my schedule has me back at 2-hours of cardio per day for the next 2-weeks. With that change I also get an extra 200 calories. Two-hundred may seem small, but it makes a world of difference in my dietary menu. Speaking of diet, it is going really, really good. Hopefully by next week I will hit the 50lb loss mark. I started this most recent journey 3-months ago and I feel absolutely awesome.

The wonderful and beautiful woman, which I'm proud to call my fiance is the foundation to my success. Without her I wouldn't be living the life I always dreamed of having. Love ya, babe!

5.0 miles
11:31 pace

1.08 miles
16:49 pace

Bike Trainer:
9.53 miles
12.67 mph

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