Friday, June 08, 2007

Saving Grace

Nearly blow off another day of exercise without a valid excuse.... when out of no where the door bell rang and Lynn stood there, ready to run. I was a little confused, cause its about 110 degrees outside.

Honesty, I couldn't think of any other reason not to run, so I laced em' up and we hit the road.

There you go; Motivation in the form of a woman, equally important, a Houston Strider.

It was plenty hot for the noon run (no shit, huh), yet the humidity was low and a nice breeze hit us in the face most of the time. I pushed Alison in the stroller, which added a little more to my effort level. Our first walk break was at 1.33 miles, which is another milestone for Lynn. We pushed hard through the 1.75 mark, but Lynn faded fast under the Texas heat. After a small discussion, its most likely the result of minimal intake (half an apple and glass of milk) and the heat.

I told her what Coach Steeve told me... maximum weight loss and maximum running performance are at odds. Gotta find a balance. That's funny coming from me, who flip-flops to either extreme! Either way, if she wants to run longer distances in brutal weather, shes gotta eat.

Today, Lynn punched two cards. 1.)New long distance without stopping. 2) Running in the Houston heat.

Activity: Run
Mileage: 2.20 miles
Time: 31:25 -- 14:28 pace
13:42, 15:01, 2:43 (0.20 mile)
Location: Kingwood Greenbelt

Tomorrow I have a long bike ride on the schedule. This will be my first group ride. I'm very ANXIOUS! What if I'm too slow. What if I fall? What about flat tires?


Pony and Petey said...

Tell Lynn she needs to start her own blog so that we can give her cheers and encouragement without having to use you as a go-between = )

Yay for Lynn! It's great fun helping a new runner, isn't it?! I love watching their progress and seeing how proud they are of themselves...reminds me of my own early running days.

Yay for Bill! Good job being a Strider-bud and helping Lynn out. I'm sure Alison enjoyed the run too.

Anonymous said...

What Pony said :-) And, yes, if you're going to train hard you have to fuel up properly and let your weight float.
