Sunday, June 17, 2007

Long ride

Activity: Cycle
Mileage: 50.18 miles
Time: 3:18:00 -- 15.2 mph
Location: East Harris County

What a weekend! Yesterday I ran 11 miles and today I rode 50 miles. Together, that's nearly 6-hours of "endurance exercise".

My legs are completely dead. The cardio for both events was surprisingly good, its the legs that have gone heavy and limp. I skipped an ice bath secondary to Father's Day activities. Maybe that's the reason I'm seating here in discomfort.

I rode with Steve from work. We did the same route as last weekend with one minor change. This time we started at his house, which added about 4 miles each way. We were a mile short upon our arrival home, so we spun around his neighborhood to make the odometer click over 50 miles.

The pace looks slow, but I'm happy with it. For 80% of the ride we were under a light drizzle. Then we found ourselves in a HARD rain (with a bad-ass headwind) for a couple miles. Near the end the traffic was heavy in Kingwood, so we decided to ride the last five miles on the sidewalk, which really slowed us down. So, with all things considered.... I think we did pretty good. Minus the rain and the stop-and-go sidewalk section, our pace could have easily exceeded 16 mph.

I need to find a way to recover quickly. This week I start a series of 3-milers... on my way to the first 20+ mile week since February 11-17. With an increase in my support staff, I feel really good.

You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions -- Adlin Sinclair

1 comment:

Pony and Petey said...

So is the knee totally better? No pain at all? It sure sounds like it!

I can't believe you were out on your bike in that heavy, long-lasting rain storm!!!