Saturday, June 09, 2007

Long ride

Activity: Bike
Mileage: 38.5 miles
Time: 2:24:00 -- 16.1 mph
Location: East Houston

New cycle distance PR.

The QLS club in Kingwood has Saturday group rides leaving from the parking lot every week. Steve (from work) and I decided to check out the local riding group. Seemed to be about 20-30 riders in all. One of the riders told us that the months leading up to the MS150, they have 60+ riders. They also stated they have two packs, which both have varying distances of 20-60 miles.

All started well. I was there on time. I remembered all my equipment. The riders seemed likable. Perfect, right? The stars aligned for a good ride... so I thought.

Within half a mile my chain came off. I was able to quickly fix it and I was certain I could catch them, but then it happened again within 50 yards. By this time the pack was not in sight and had dropped us.

Steve and I know the area, plus we overheard the riders discussing the route, so we winged it on our own. We worked hard to catch them (first 10 mile's average speed: 19 mph), but we only caught glimpses of them in the far distance.

We started in Kingwood. At the twenty mile mark we were in Crosby Texas. We weren't sure which way to go, when suddenly we noticed a group of bikers at a local Starbucks. Luck would have it, this was the pack we started with. The unlucky part, they were done with the break and ready to ride again.

Resuming the ride with the 8-10 riders was a lot easier. There were times when the pack would surge, but we were able to hold on. At 30 miles we were on a long country road. In what seemed like a flip of the switch, they went from 17-18 mph to 23-24... and they held it. Needless to say, they dropped us.... again.

It was a great learning experience and I hope to do more long rides in the future. I had a good time.


Unknown said...

Wow, baptism by fire. Congratulations on your PR. Sounds like Bill has a new sport.

Crosstrain said...

Welcome to the dark side.

Pony and Petey said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm MEGA impressed. GREAT JOB!!