Monday, June 25, 2007

Near-miss running injury

After yesterdays post I ran. Nothing fancy, just three miles.

Activity: Run
Mileage: 3 miles
Time: 34:20 -- 11:27 pace
Location: Trailwood Village

Tonight, I squeezed in another three miles. My legs felt good, so I pushed the pace. Halfway into the run I tripped over something in the road. The incident resulted in me laying my ankle over. It hurt like hell for a few seconds. I stopped and assessed the damages, but no major issues were noted. Close call.

Activity: Run
Mileage: 3 miles
Time: 31:05 -- 10:22 pace
10:57, 10:15, 9:53
Location: Trailwood Village

Okay, the news you REALLY want. Preston is doing a lot better. They extubated him to see if he would breath on his own. Unfortunately, he had six apnea episodes within three-hours. So, they needed to shift gears... again.
When he is stimulated, even slightly, he starts breathing. The doctors decided to see if a small amount of oxygen via nasal cannula would work. Indeed the presence of oxygen blowing in his nose is enough stimulus to keep him breathing. Now we're working on a more definitive diagnosis to the underlying issue.
They've done all the typical test(s), but now we are getting into the grab-bag category. Today we had a cardiac echo, consult with genetic doctors, consult with the neurological team, and a few others. They have ruled-out a metabolic disorder, viral or bacteria infection, therefore 90% of the antibiotics have been discontinued. They are also increasing his feeding, which he is tolerating well. Tomorrow he will have an MRI with contrast of his brain, plus we should have the results back from a few other misc test.

I'm optimistic. Today was also the first time I was able to hold Preston since this started. When I have that little boy in my arms, there isn't a problem in this world. It was a GREAT feeling, which can only to be topped by bringing him home!

Those that know me or follow this blog are aware of the last minute name change. There wasn't much thought put into it, we both simply liked the name PRESTON. A couple days ago, I made him a banner with his name on it and placed it on his medical bed, so everyone would know who he is. Today I was looking at his banner and I thought to myself, "Not many nicknames for Preston". All at once I noticed the first three letters of his name:

Sure, its corny, but I think it is cool. For the non-running readers, see the link below for an explanation:


Unknown said...

I'm glad Preston is doing better. You guys will remain in my prayers. And, I LOVE the nickname...very cool indeed!

Sarah said...

So glad to hear your little man is doing better! Go Pre, go!

Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

congrats on the little one...i am happy to hear he is doing well!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the was interesting to read about the famous runner "Pre". I know of several who have been praying for 'Pre' so was happy to read this post and find out that he's doing a little better. Can't wait till you get to take him home! Will continue to pray...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that Pre is doing better. I continue to pray for him, and the ladies of our Bible study group are praying for him too.
