Sunday, June 10, 2007

Morning runs suck

Activity: Run
Mileage: 2.22 miles
Time: 29:51 -- 13:27 pace
Location: Trailwood Village

How do morning folks complete those early ass runs?

I made plans to run a couple miles before work, then meet up with Lynn for a couple extra miles, hoping to log four for the day. Needless to say I didn't get out of bed for the pre-run, run. BUT, I did manage to run a couple junk miles with Lynn. Nothing spectacular. It was early, I was tired, and it was only two miles.

I looked at my training log. This time last year I was doing a lot of late night running. So, maybe I should revisit night running again.

I'm starting to get a nice loop of runner-friends. Seldom do I go more than a couple days without someone calling, texting, or emailing me about their running. Example. If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you might remember my old rookie at work, Jason. He is in great shape, but wasn't in great running shape. Initially, he was working hard to run half a mile without stopping. Last week I got several calls from him, telling me he had ran four consecutive miles. Then earlier this week he tested himself and ran an 8:14 mile, at work, in the heat of the day. Way to go Jason! Then there is Sean, who is both a friend and co-worker. When I met him he could care less about times or races, but had a natural running talent. Now, every time I talk to Sean, its about his times and distances. Yesterday at work he ran 6 miles. The first four he ran with another guy (Steve, the one I did the long bike ride with), then he ran the last two miles at 6:20 and 6:13. All this after the first four miles were in the low 8:xx range. He has raw talent and now he's wanting to test himself more everyday. I'm glad to be around to hear all about it, in fact, I get more excited than he does!

For those of you interested, I sent an email to Mark Frazer with HARRA about the Summer Celebration. It took a couple days, but I did receive a reply. Below is a copy of the email, containing the simple answers to my questions. Thanks Mark, well done!

Dan Green is our speaker. He is a former winner of the Houston Marathon. Yes, there will be food and beer. Thai and Italian food will be plentiful. Plus a DJ will have music playing when we are not announcing awards.
Hope you can make it,


Pony and Petey said...

Thanks for the info on the HARRA thing! Pizza Man and I will be in attendance...maybe we can all sit together???

And, yes, I vote for sunset runs vs. sunrise runs!! I had the same experience last week...

Any baby-news? Do you have someone lined up to watch Alison while ya'll are at the hospital? Let me know if I can help out...

Sarah said...

I got the same info from Mark this morning. Rest assured it will be on the website tonight.