Thursday, October 04, 2007

Easier workout, but plenty sore

I'm moving around the house like an old man. Haven't felt this sore in a really long time. It feels GOOD.

Today we hit the gym for upper body training. I have no idea what the machines are called, but this is my take on what we did:

3 x 15 Bicep curls, 10lb weights
3 x 15 Tricep press down on a lat machine
3 x 15 Tricep press down on exercise specific machine
3 x 15 Sitting bent arm inner pec machine (flyes)
3 x 15 Decline press machine???
3 x 15 Seated lat pull in
25 minutes walking "hills" on the treadmill. Speed range: 3.0-3.7. Incline range: 3%-9%.
Light stretching

Also saw my RD today. I don't feel like much has changed, but she has pointed out several significant behavioral changes which I have consciously made. Yeah me!?!?!?!?

I'd like to wish Caryn Honig, good luck. She's headed to Minnesota to run marathon number 29!!!! That is what I call I.M.P.R.E.S.S.I.V.E.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep working the plan, dude. Patience!!! You running the USA 10-miler? I know it's clear across the state for you. I remember your running me in the last mile last year. That was awesome.