Saturday, October 13, 2007

Through the eyes of a 6-year old

This morning Erin, the kids, and I met the trainer for an am PT session. Normally Alison packs books and toys, but this morning she didn't want any. We knew she would get bored, so I decided to let Alison have a little fun with our digital camera. While Erin and I were training I allowed her to take pictures of whatever she wanted.

Its amazing what she found and captured. I'm still laughing at the pictures she took of Pre. On the other hand, a few of the shots are amazing. I thought it was odd that there is not a single picture of mom and dad working out. She only had the camera for a couple hours... makes me wonder what a full day would include. Its worth your time to check out the link below, its worth it!

Link to Alison's pictures

As for the training, it went something like this:

3 x 2-minutes jump rope
3 x 20 arm raise/squat with 10 lb weights
Agility ladder drills:
2 x 12 push-ups (only able to complete ~15, my arms were DEAD)
2 x two feet in each box
2 x two feet in each box, raising knees as high as possible
2 x two feet in each box, side to side
2 x two feet in each box, zig-zag pattern
2 x one foot in each box, trying to kick butt with back action of foot
2 x walk on hands and toes
2 x in-and-out from the side, both feet in each box

2 x 40-yards worth of lunges
2 x 40 yards, knee raises
3 x 20 crunches
3 x 15 assisted leg raises (I wasn't able to finish 50%, so I held a stiff leg raise (6-inches)


Sarah said...

LOVE Allison's photos! She is very creative. And Pre has huge eyes. :)

Humble Runner said...

Preston's huge eyes are the result of the flash going off 6-inches from his face.

It's rewarding for a father to see the one thing his daughter took the most pictures of was, her brother. Very cool, if you ask me.

TX Runner Mom said...

You have quite a photographer there!