Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tempo Trail Bike Ride

Woke up early so I could cycle before the long drive to Galveston. My legs felt great, which enabled me to maintain a respectable pace the entire time.

Trail Bike:
11.16 miles
13.05 pace

The conference was uneventful today. Lots of great thoughts and ideas from progressive departments. Unfortunately, proactive change is met with resistance when I get back to the station. I get all fired up at conferences, but usually within a matter of days 'they' have taken the wind out of my sail.

The lack of motivation to lift weights is growing. Does anyone have any ideas how to get fired up about lifting weights? I'm enthusiastic when I'm in the gym, but getting in there is like pulling my own teeth. Either way, I got it done.

Weight Training:
Upper and Lower Body

...time to watch Biggest Loser on my DVR!

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