Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Different Kind of Workout

At 6:30am this morning I placed an ad on Craigslist for help to dig out my old drainage line, which is clogged with roots. Within 1-hour I had 30-40 phones calls. I picked one of the first callers and took my chances.

I was greatly disappointed in the work ethic of the two men that showed up. I spent more time digging and cutting than either of the HIRED HELP. Originally, I had dreams of hiring someone to dig out the pipe, while I went for a run and finished up some smaller projects around the house. It was apparent these men weren't in any rush, so I put on my gloves and went to work.

The line was 3-4 feet deep and the roots were horrible. I think we spent more time with the axe than we did with the shovel. It was disheartening to only clear a couple feet of line every hour. Again, a lot of this was because the hired labor stood outside the trench smoking cigarettes, watching me dig. At 2:30 I left to pick up Taylor from school. I was gone for an hour and when I got back they hadn't done any work. Just as I was about to make a comment they took it a step further and stated they were done for the day. They quit with only half the job done. They really pissed me off when they expected full pay. Against my better judgment I paid them just to get them out of my hair.

After 5-hours of digging I was too tired to get in a workout or any cardio. I figured I worked enough to cover the needed deficit.

After getting cleaned up I attended the Strider Club meeting at St. Arnold's Brewery. It was a fun night. During the meeting we elected new board member and participated in an activity called; "Getting to know your fellow Strider". Like most Strider formal meeting perks, there was FREE Star pizza and St. Arnold's Beer.

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