Saturday, October 18, 2008

Long Run

Andrea and I ran our long run this afternoon. We ran my favorite 5-mile loop through the greenbelts. This was the first time I've taken this route since the Hurricane. It's a shame how many trees we lost. Even worse, it would appear that the utility company used the greenbelts to get to the remote power lines, which broke miles and miles of beautiful greenbelt trails. It's easy to understand why they did what they had to do. Everyone would much rather have electricity over greenbelts... including me.

Andrea stated our 5-miler is the furthest she has ever run. Congrats!!!

I'm not sure why I ran so well. Our average pace was 11:35!!! I've not slept much at all this week. Wednesday was an all night drinking binge. I didn't drink ANY water yesterday at work. In an attempt to save this morning's run I downed a large glass of water and took two S-caps. I really wonder if that was the saving grace? Either way, I had a good run even with my newly chaffed nipples and blister on the arch of my foot.

Run: 5.18 miles, 1:00:35, (11:35 pace)

27 push-ups

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats A on the 5 miles. That's HUGE!!!