Monday, August 25, 2008


My newest training schedule called for a 2-mile run at 12:15 pace, yes, you're reading that right... 12:15!! Andrea joined me for another great run through the greenbelts, joined by her daughter on her bicycle. We walked 0.20 to our start point, ran 2 miles, and walked 0.20 miles back to the house. The numbers look like this:

Walk: 0.40 mile, 7:00 minutes, (17:30 pace)
Run: 2.0 miles, 24:10 minutes, (12:05 pace)

The run was within 25-seconds of what it was suppose to be. Very happy about the pacing. At home we did a mid-body workout, followed by 59 push-ups.

Finally ate some "healthy food" and I feel so much better.

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