Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sweet Run #2

Activity: Run
Mileage: 3.10 miles
Time: 34:28 -- 11:08 pace
12:04, 11:12, 10:16
Location: Kingwood Greenbelts

Forgot how running with hot women equals faster running.

My legs were really tired this morning, so I PLANNED on running 3-miles at 12:00++ pace. The plan went as planned for the first mile, but then a HOT chick (I mean REALLY hot), came up beside me and we started talking.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to run at tempo pace, suck in my gut, minimize the bouncing of my man-tits, and try to act cool? It's not easy.

All in all, a nice run. I dropped nearly one-minute each mile. Sweet.

My left shin is very, very noisy.


Anonymous said...

Dude, this entry is incomplete. To wit...did you ask the question? :-)


Unknown said...

LOL!!! You're cracking me up.

Humble Runner said...

Sorry Steeeve, I was too busy trying to catch my breath to ask if she was with a running club.

My bad. Actually, its her fault for kicking my ass.

Anonymous said...

lol, you're such a dork.
