Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Failed tempo run

Activity: Run
Mileage: 4.0 miles
Time: 45:16 -- 11:19 pace
11:44, 10:35, 11:57, 11:00
Location: Kingwood - East End Park
Flap-jacks: 6 sets of 6

Plan was to warm up one mile, run two-miles at tempo, and finish with a one-mile cool down. Completely bonked shortly after starting the tempo session. Still able to log one tempo-ish mile. Also walked A LOT more than usual.

In my defense; I ran at 4pm, on crushed granite trails, while pushing my 35 lb daughter in our jogging stroller.

Is it possible for someone to have neither fast twitch nor slow twitch muscle fibers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Willie,

Give yourself a break, man! Two hard miles at 4pm in Houston in July pushing Alison? I don't think so!
