Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Once again, its time to consider what I'm doing wrong and right (if anything) about fueling my body. I know my readers are tired of hearing overly optimistic promises about weight loss, but I'm posting this for ME. Additionally, I'm not posting a goal date or magical weight loss number this time.

Over the last month, I've continued to gain weight. Sigh. There were high hopes that a friendly competition between Vic and I would spike my motivation. As usual for me, it was short lived. Now, I'll be wearing a damn dress as part of our wager. Geez, the crap I get myself into! LOL

On the up side. I have not had a drop of sweet tea or soda since "Pre" was born. Unfortunately, the craving for something sweet has been replaced with pastries.

I've stopped the OCD diet. It works, but no one wants to live like that, well at least not me. So, I've decided to gradually start cutting out the bad stuff and at some point, I'll be left with proper foods as a means of fuel.

As the worlds self-proclaimed numbest nerd, I went web searching. My search lead me to the following diet lifestyles:

Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism (eggs, dairy, and honey)
Lacto-vegetarianism (dairy and honey)
Oco-vegetarianism (eggs and honey)
Veganism (nothing to do with animals in any way)

Done of these seemed suitable for me, so I'm creating a own diet lifestyle:


Over the next several weeks I hope to ween myself from the following items (Yes, I know all this is common sense):

Allowable Drinks:
Water, milk, and sports drink
-Sport drink only when associated with physical activity

Allowable Meats:
Chicken, fish, turkey, and lean cuts of pork
-Pork: less than once per week
-One "meatless" meal per day

Vegetables and Fruits:
No limit.

Pasta, Rice, Cereal, and Bread:
100% whole-grain only
Eliminate "grain" carbs at dinner (replace with carbs from vegetables)

Allowable Fats, Oils, and Sugar:
Nothing fried, whatsoever.
No more than one desert per day

I'll add more "rules" later, but I want to ease into this. The past has always been all or none, which has resulted in a yo-yo of failures.

I'm extremely unhappy in this body. Time to try something new.


Unknown said...

Common sense! What a concept.

Man that picture looks awesome. I'd love to just dive into that pile of fruit and dig in.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an excellent plan. Holdover reminders from previous attempts: 1) Don't drink calories and, 2) Remember the photo.


Tiggs said...

Have you looked into the Zone. I lost 15 lbs on it and have kept it off. It involves a lifestyle change when it comes to food-- but it is not a diet....