Saturday, July 07, 2007

3 miles

Activity: Run
Mileage: 3.05 miles
Time: 3.05 -- 11:00 pace
Location: Kingwood -- Greenbelts

First, the item making the most noise. Nine hours of sleep in 3 days.

Plus, a mere 8-hours after last nights four miler I ran 3 more. It was tough dragging my legs along. I'm wondering how well I will survive my long run in the morning.

Anyone else biking the Katy Flat lands? My buddies are trying their best to convince me to ride with them. As if the ride is not enough, they are working hard to persuade me to attempt the century. I've given them a conditional yes. The conditional part; a much slower pace and we all turn around when I've had enough.

We'll see what life unfolds this week.

1 comment:

Pony and Petey said...

YAY!!!!! That is just AWESOME news about Pre! Keep those pics coming = )

I'll continue to pray for his health and your sleeping and running and Alison's adjustment to life as big sister.