Thursday, November 15, 2007


1.06 mile warm up
Full Silly walk session
4 x 4 short - 1 long hill (2.7 miles)
1.16 mile cool down

Lets see what there is to report.....

Two guys from work were going to join me, but both of them flaked.
Shin splint on the left side is trying to make an unwelcome appearance.
Dorsal flextion hops are difficult for me at this weight.
I tried to jog the recovery (down the hills), but that proved too taxing. Sets 2-4 I walked the recover (down hill). This enabled me to push the up hill run. My total average uphill pace was 7:42!!
My cool down was exhausting, but I averaged 12:26 pace after 10-minutes of running and 4-minutes of walking.

Total workout; 4.79 miles in 1:04:00, which equates to a 13:22 pace.

I'm ready for tomorrows scheduled off day.

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