Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Cannot believe I missed Jack Daniels. AKA; Jack Fest 07'.

Its my scheduled day at work, but I still went to great lengths to get off duty. I must have made at least ten phone calls, I tried cashing in old favors, and even begged a couple people. Nothing helped.

If anyone took notes or has footage, I'd LOVE to see it.

ME = :-(

1 comment:

Steeeve said...

Sorry, no footage, but tons of photos forthcoming and extended coverage in Stridelines. We had 139 on hand. Jack spoke for about 75 minutes, mixing stories from his colorful life with primer material from Running Formula. He signed books and provided 1 on 1 consultations before and after the talk. We downed 40 large pizzas, which I believe is a Strider record, and made a good dent in St. Arnold product. An incredible evening.