Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I'm having a GREAT day.

Okay, it's time for a small confession. You may recall I recently visited NOLA. What very few people know is the REAL reason behind my visit to the Big Easy. The fact is this was a "vacation" that had been planned and paid for several months in advance. The trip was "secretly" scheduled around the RRCA Running Coach Certification class hosted by the New Orleans Track Club.

The class was amazing. I've read lots of running books, but this class showed me how little I really knew about designing a safe and smart training schedule. So much of what I've read in the past is performance-based. I was skipping vital and fundamental steps to proper adaptations. Now I'm better prepared to build my own schedules and hopefully I'll do so in an informed manner. And when the time comes, I hope to help other beginning runners too.

The class lasted two days, but it really should be a 3-day class. Each day we started on time, stayed late, minimal breaks, with very short lunches. It's a lot of good information. I highly recommend this class to any runner of any ability. Nearly half the students in my class have no intentions of coaching. They simply wanted to enhance their ability to build personal training schedules. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you don't need a huge following of runners to benefit from this class. I only regret not taking it sooner.

After lots of reading, today I finally finished the online test and I'm proud to say I PASSED. It's official; I'm a certified RRCA Distance Running Coach!!! I want to take a moment to thank long time RRCA Running Coach Steeve, who helped me with a hand full of questions I was struggling with. Thanks Steeve, you Rock!!!

Kind of weird for a grown man to be this excited, huh?!?!?!?!

Moving on...

My hamstrings have been really tight all day. I didn't think I worked out all that hard yesterday, but my legs tell a different story.

Andrea and I ran an easy mile around the bayou. The path is mostly dirt and short grass along the brim of the bayou. Stayed on pace and my legs felt good.

Run: 1.0 miles, 12:13, (12:13 pace)


Pony and Petey said...



Now I have one more person I can go to for advice = ))

Steeeve said...

Congratulations on this fine achievement. Some background and perspective:

o There are currently 412 active RRCA-certified coaches nationwide.
o You are the fourth Power In Motion Participant to achieve their RRCA coaching certification.
o A number of Houston notables have taken the course but not gotten certified. Their numbers include Power In Motion Coordinators, Houston Strider Presidents, SMART coaches (including one who failed the test), and for-pay Houston area Marathon Training Program Coordinators.
o The program has really taken root in the last four years or so. For years and years I was the only RRCA-certified coach in Texas. Now there are 26.
o You are an RRCA-certified coach for life as long as your CPR and first aid are current. A bunch of the coaches from the 2006 certification in Houston have let their CPR/first aid lapse. I get an automatic monthly reminder from the Finke's reminding me to get my CPR/first aid current :-)

The cirriculum, training materials and test have all changed dramatically since the program started 11 years ago (at the RRCA National Convention in Peoria IL, of all places), and all for the better.

Anonymous said...

Bill! Or should I say Coach Bill? Congratulations!

Cyndie Keene