0.46 mile
22:00 pace
Even though the walk was super short, it wasn't without drama. I walked 5-minutes from my house, turned around and walked home. One the way back I was walking on the street close to the curb. A coiled-up snake sprung out towards me as I walked past a mailbox, which he was calling home. It wasn't a huge snake, but it was VERY aggressive. I rang the doorbell and told the home owner about the snake hiding near his mailbox. I asked him for a tool to help me kill the snake, but he wasn't about to let that happen. We were at odds; I have a serious snake phobia and he was the tree-hugger type. He wanted to catch the snake and release it, away from HIS yard. The IDIOT wanted to release it across the street, which is the elementary school play ground!! URGGGG. I stayed long enough to see what he would do. In the end he found a paper sack and wrangled the snake into the bag with a shovel. He took the snake inside and said he was going to call animal control.
At one time I THOUGHT I heard a rattle, but I think it was my imagination. The home owner stated he thought it was a diamond back rattle snake. I think it was some type of water moccasin. All I know was that little 3-foot snake was mega aggressive and would strike at you anytime you got even close.
I found a picture of what the snake looked like. It appears to be a water moccasin and this particular one looks similar to a rattlesnake.
I was disappointed in the Biggest Loser winner. I know it is impossible to find a non-bias way to measure people of different gender, age, body types, but the winner DID NOT appear to be the healthiest person. She looked incredibly dehydrated with little or NO muscle mass. I suppose I should remind myself, its a TV GAME show....
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