Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bike Race, Hardware, and a Walk

Last night we watched the bike races at the Alkek Velodrome. Never seen anything like that, so it was exciting. Now I want a single-speed bike, so I can go play.

At the last minute Andrea decided to run in the US Vet 5k. Omar, the race director did a good job with the last minute change of venue, so I won' give it my overly critical critique. Andrea's only complaint was the humidity this morning, which seemed to be worse near the water. Just before leaving we checked the results and found that Andrea WON THIRD PLACE IN HER AGE BRACKET!!! She was so excited and I'm super proud of her.

Later in the evening I went for an 8-minute walk. My knee still feels strong, but I'm feeling some weirdness. The different pains come and go. Not sure of the issue, but I'm being careful to protect my knee.

0.42 miles
19:18 pace

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