Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another Mile

After all my excitement about launching the web site, I come to learn that I needed to change the name. For months I had established a solid DBA, which I was very proud of. Earlier this year I did a little search engine investigating and it came up empty. Since then I assumed it was a safe choice. Somehow one company slipped through my fingers. Minutes before publishing my web site a buddy told me of another site with a similar name. And if that is not enough... they are local! Essentially I had to change my name, because I don't want any negative conflicts. It seems I should choose the name that always seems to come back around. This time I've decided to embrace the name. Andrea reminded me that it will probably help me when a search engine is used and they are looking for someone close.

It's depressing to watch all the happy people running and cycling around town. I've been on the "Disabled List" for about 6-weeks total, but it feels more like 6-years.

On my personal fitness side, I walked a little more than a mile this evening. Nothing exciting to report. It was nice to breathe the hot, fresh air on the trails. My pace has continued to stay within a respectable range, although I've been keeping a watchful one on my gait.

I set up a 30-minute, total body circuit for Andrea. She was feeling somewhat lethargic about the idea of working out today, but she seemed revitalized once she was done.

1.19 mile
16:49 pace

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