Friday, April 27, 2007

10k on moutain bike

6.2 miles though the Greenbelts. Average speed: 11.6 mph. Also going to workout my upper body later.

The weather is really nice.

After yesterdays run-workout at work; I showered, blogged the run, and started supper. Just as I was cutting up the veggies we got an apartment fire. I was already exhausted and the fire did not help matters. The bottom line... I'm whooped. Everything is sore. It's a shame that one-mile kicked my ass.

Wasn't sure of the "smart" thing to do today. The short distance bike ride did me good. I feel better and my legs have loosened up.

I never posted my second MRI transcription results, cause frankly, there wasn't anything new. There IS NOT a cyst as suspected. Even though I was inactivity that week, the MRI revealed lots of inflammation, primarily between the illiotibial band and the muscles on the lateral side of my knee. The surgery is still warranted and scheduled. But now, with the lack of pain on yesterdays run, I wonder it I should try a little more time. Doctor said, with complete confidence, there is a lot of "garbage" under my patella, which needs to be cleaned up.

Any ideas out there? I'd like to hear them.

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