Saturday, July 08, 2006

13 miles, DONE!

Nobody answered my plea for an extra early run, so I went at it alone. I ran my usual Woodland Pines subdivision loop, which is 1.5 miles. I started early, because I refuse to do 13 miles at work. The temperature was great at 5am, but it started getting toasty near the end. Overall, the run wasn't as bad as I had expected.

The ten mile mark is still hard for me. As a sign of support, my wonderful wife and daughter joined me on their bicycles for the last 5k. That was a big mental boast, as the route was getting boring and my legs were acking.

Todays pace was within ONE SECOND of last weeks run of the same distance, yet the splits were completely different. Last week I went out fast for 8 miles and bogged down after that. Today, I started off rather slow and had some small negative mile splits coupled with a strong finish. I was tired, but nothing like last week.

I have noticed one thing that is different after running 13 miles. I have a complete loss of appetite. I NEVER lose my appetite. I mean never. So, this is new territory for me. I didn't feel like eating today until 2 pm. If this normal? Is there something wrong? I wish I had this "feeling" more often, then I could really lose some weight!

Activity: Long Run
Mileage: 13.12 miles
Time: 2:18:43 -- 10:34 pace
Splits (left to right):
11:06, 11:13, 10:40, 10:41, 10:50,
10:39, 10:27. 10:17, 10:09, 10:24,
10:27, 10:35, 10:01, 01:05 (0.12 mile)
Location: Woodland Pines Subdivision
How I Felt: 9

I purposely ran the final mile faster. I was extremely hot and decided to take my shirt off. YIKES, Bill's running bare bones! I was hoping to finish before someone saw all this blubber in motion. Thankfully, I finished my run before any of my neighbor's were violated, whew!

Activity: Weight Training
Body Region: Upper and Lower
Time: 1-hour
Location: Humble Fire Department Gym
How I felt: 8.5


Unknown said...

Nice 13 Bill. A lot different than last week's report. WTG. The improvements you're making are obvious. Keep it up.

SRR said...

Hey...I feel that way too after I run. Let me know what the solution is. Because I am trying to really watch my caloric intake with the marathon coming up. I feel like I am forcing myself to eat. And that's not good! Yikes!