Monday, August 20, 2007

Still on Schedule

First run of the week, which is 50% of the prior long run distance. Once again Erin and I did our runs on the streets, after dark. Its motivating knowing Erin is training with me, even though we aren't running together.

My stomach was upset after dinner, but it settled enough to hit the streets. If Erin wouldn't have run I surely would have skipped today's session. Glad everything aligned, because I had an excellent run. The mega-short distance was awesome, which was highlighted with a nice breeze outside.

Erin played the typical role of super-mom. Try picturing this: Alison joined her on a scooter, while she pushed Preston in the jogging stroller, and if that's not enough.... she had the dog on the leash. I have no idea how she did it, but she did.

Speaking of Erin, she committed to the HARRA Cross Country Relay. After informing Coach Steeeve, he elected to group me, Erin, Kevin, and Lynn together. Ought to be FUN!

My stats:
Mileage: 0.77 mile
Time: 7:56 -- 10:18 pace

Erin Stats:
Mileage: 0.77 mile
Time: Unknown

This morning the scale revealed that I am 24 pounds away from my all time high. Even though the data is depressing, I'm not interested in starting a diet for another week or two. Wait, I take that back. I'll keep a watchful eye and definitely try to consume more water. Right now, its one thing at a time. I'm in search of a training regimen that will fit my life before adding dietary restrictions.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW!!! Erin and Bill at the Cross Country relay. That's going to be a fun, fun day.