Saturday, March 29, 2008


Weight: 263.25
Percentage of fat: 33.9%
Fat Mass Weight: 89 lbs

I'm tired of the yo-yoing dieting. Hard to believe I'm less than 10 pounds from my all-time high!! I can honestly say I have lost more than 50 pounds FIVE different times in my life. Each and every time I tell myself I will NEVER let myself get that big again, but somehow the weight has a way of creeping back and I do little to defend myself. Then I find myself sitting here feeling sorry for myself. My first action is to STOP the pity party. I need to take full-responsibility for my weight, whether I'm gaining or losing weight. I've also never completely reached my goal to be less than 185. For whatever reason, when I get under 200 I get comfortable and forget about all the hard work that led to the weight loss.

Not exactly sure how I want to approach my diet this time. Lynn and I agreed to a minimum goal of 3-pound loss per week as a reasonable amount of weight. Sounds easy enough, but time will tell. We'll weigh daily for our journals and also have an "official" weekly weigh in as well.

I'm not into supplements, so you won't see much of that on here. I've tried everything on the market and NOTHING has proven more worthy than ole' fashion hard work. Of course, I plan on taking a multi-vitamin to ensure I get the needed vitamins and minerals.

The requirements need to be easy to maintain AFTER the weight loss. My number one goal is to stop drinking my calories. Only god knows the amount of calories I consume between sweet tea and soda. During the diet I want to stay under 2000 calories, it at all possible.

Its time for me to get away from this computer and get moving, ought to be an interesting trip.

Today I had two social events on the calendar and both proved to be a challenge. After a quick bowl of cereal with skim milk I took the kids for a leisure walk. In the middle of the 35-minute walk I threw in a 2-minute run. I know is sounds minute, but you gotta start somewhere, right? The run felt good.

The first social was a b-day party for one of Alison's friends. The party started innocent enough with all the girls making jewelry at Bella Beads, but it was followed with an all-you-can-eat pizza party at Cici's, which was next door. I restrained myself, but it was hard because I had not packed any snacks. Preston and I sat down with a large glass of water. Between the water and playing with Preston I was able to kept my mind off the food. Near the end of the party I was hungry. As soon as we left I stopped at Subway for a 12" roasted chicken breast sandwich on wheat bread. No chips, no drinks. Yummy!

The second social was a BBQ at my best friends house later that same evening. This was more difficult than the pizza party. Mostly because he had my favorite foods.... but this time I was prepared and I brought along my big Neogene water jug, an orange, and a Kashi bar. The brisket and chips captured my attention more than anything else. I kept myself busy visiting with friends, so again, my mind was taken off the food. When I couldn't take it anymore I decided to eat my Kashi bar. Earlier in the evening, Alison decided she wanted my orange, so that was no longer an option. Before my departure I was getting progressively hungry and was "on the prowl". I ended up eating a plain roasted corn on the cob. The corn made me feel like I was part of the "eating group". Even better... it was delicious!!!

By the time we got home I was feeling hunger pangs. I added up my calories, which revealed I had only consumed ~1300 calories. I had hoped to stay under 2,000, which left me enough for two turkey on wheat bread sandwiches which tasted GREAT. I'm content and happy with my intake today. I wanted to workout, but the day just wasn't long enough. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. If all goes well, I'll make it up tomorrow.

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