Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Battle

The battle was long and hard, but we won. The house is OURS! Erin and I are really excited.... kind of. We put our initial bid on the house 24-hours after it hit the market. The owner was in Europe until last night. By the time the realtor talked to his client, there were three different contracts for the house! Our first bid was one-thousand below asking price, which I thought was very solid. Early this morning the selling realtor called for a "push". He advised all three contract parties of the others and to make any amendments. The final contracts would be reviewed and a selection would be made today. I was uncertain of the appropriate action. My gut told me to go a couple hundred over asking. With the time restraints we were forced to make a VERY aggressive offer. We offered nearly $3500 OVER the asking price. We were still worried it wasn't enough, because the HCAD appraisal was nearly 20k over the asking price.

Our realtor called a couple minutes ago, to say that our bid was accepted. There's a small part of me that hates the idea of paying more than what they were asking. But there's another part of me that says a house like this only comes around once in a blue-moon. We got a nice home at a fair price. YAY!!!!!


TX Runner Mom said...

Woohoo, congrats on the house!

Crosstrain said...

Congratulations Bill! See you Sunday, you asked what I'm targeting - under 1:25. I hope you are right with me at the finish line!

Unknown said...

Allright!!! I'm sure you made a good deal. 3 offers after being the market 1 day. Must be a hot house. Congrats!

Jenny said...

Congratulations! Great news.