Sunday, October 01, 2006

Recovery-Long Run

The schedule: 8 easy miles

Didn't feel like running this morning. The first two miles were the worst. Kate helped me "talk" our way through the run. Pleasant weather. Felt strong at the end. Had a great time. Kate Rocks!

Activity: Easy-Long run
Mileage: 8 miles
Time: 1:16:53 -- 9:37 pace
9:55, 9:36, 9:33, 9:39,
9:20, 9:43, 9:55, 9:12
Location: Cullen Park
How I Felt: 9


Anonymous said...


Good going, that's right where your recovery pace should be. Kate's coming on strong, great to see her yaking away the entire run at that pace.


TX Runner Mom said...

Great job on working through the lack of motivation. It's hard to do, but you did it!

Unknown said...

Bill, nice run. Way to keep it easy. Excellent!!!