Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More Stress, just what I need!

You'll probably read less on this blog. It's starting to get under my skin. It's a long story and not worth posting. I will say this: If you don't know me, don't judge me.

Ok, I'm done.

My legs are still sore from the weekend mileage. Did not hammer the workout tonight. It was a "B-" effort at best. Splits were all over the place.

The schedule: 2-mile warm up, 5 x 3 minutes hard-3 minutes recovery, and 2-mile cool down. The splits below include both the "hard" and "recovery". I averaged 8:20-9:00 pace on the hard and 11:30+ on the recovery.

Activity: Run
Mileage: 6.9 miles
Time: 1:09:05 -- 10:01 pace
9:20, 9:16, 9:11, 10:11, 10:05, 11:12, 9:49 (0.90 mile)
Location: Terry Hershey Park
How I Felt: 8.5


Anonymous said...


Lovely to have you out last night! Well done moderating your workout (just a little bit) in response to a fierce week last week and major mileage over the weekend. Listen to your body and don't be a slave to your schedule, that's what I'm takin' about!


Steve Bezner said...

My legs are hurtin' as well. The weekend mileage and hard work-outs have my legs calling "uncle."

Whatdaya say we just go get a cold frosty beverage and a hot dog today instead of running! :-)

Seeya Thursday!

Unknown said...

Good workout, Bill.

I'll take a hot dog, Steve.

TX Runner Mom said...

I think it's good to listen to your body and take it easy sometimes. My body's telling me to join in for the beverages & hot dogs!

Anonymous said...

Even if I DO know you, I shouldn't judge you! That's not my job and I'm not qualified anyhow...nor is anyone else...so just blow off whoever's judging you = )

PLEASE don't stop blogging...I get much encouragement from hearing about your workouts. And I LOVE to read about your great runs! You are an inspiration!