Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday Hill Workout

The schedule: 2.25-mile warm up, 4 x: 1 long hill/3 half hill/up the hill/recover over the top of the levee and back down, and finally 2.25-mile cool down.

Pushed too hard yesterday. Decided it was smarter to run at 80% due to residue soreness from yesterdays run. Tried to maintain a consistent pace without any stop/walk recoveries. Stayed true to the plan. Each time I looked at my garmin I saw the same pace within ten-or-so seconds.

I need one of those small LED lights. Sections of the run were very dark.

Activity: Hill Run
Mileage: 8.14 miles
Time: 1:20:36 -- 9:54 pace
2.29 mile warm up: 23:02 -- 10:03 pace
Hill workout splits -- 9:47 pace:
9:31, 9:48, 9:57, 7:26 (0.75 mile)
2.10 cool down: 20:52 -- 9:56 pace
Location: Terry Hershey Park
How I Felt: 9

I stopped and started the warm up/cool down at different locations. That's the reason for the difference in mileage between the two.

1 comment:

Unknown said...
