Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chapter two, SMART Lite

I might have a stomach bug. Today I ran on the treadmill and was nauseated within the first 0.25 miles. Didn't waste any time trying to overcome the upset stomach, I simply called it quits. Lord knows I did not want a repeat of yesterdays ill-fated run.

I can't "hang" with the Big Boys in SMART. Time to take it down a notch and try SMART Lite for awhile.


Unknown said...

Get well, Bill.

Anonymous said...

Yo Bill, don't be judging your running capability when you're ill. The first three weeks of SMART are the toughest in the entire program, and you're (we're) almost there! Given that, Saturday is nasty, and it's a fine accomplishment to even to the lite version of the workout.


TX Runner Mom said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill, you were missed tonight at Memorial. I hope you are feeling better soon. If it makes you feel any better one of the "fast guys" on Tuesday night saw you get sick and said, "Now he's a runner!!!" That's actually a compliment, sick I know but some don't consider it a work-out until you yack. Hope you know how much you inspire me in my running. Just good to know you. You take care of yourself. One final thought, you should have seen the "fast guys tonight"... they all have dark circles under their eyes, were complaining non-stop about how tough this week has been and they just don't know what's wrong with them. They have "dead legs and no energy". Helloooo, it's August in Houston, Texas and it was still 99 degrees at 7 pm tonight, no wonder we all feel EXHAUSTED and spent. The heat is a "bitch" and we are all feeling it right now. You do whatever program works for you right now. No need to kick yourself in the butt about it, you give 110% all the time...just back off a bit. Recover, get your head straight, work a bit of "balance" into your diet and hit it again when "you" feel ready! Whenever that is, it's okay. The thing I find about running is sometimes I have to do less, to be able to do more. Thinking of you buddy!
Later, Bessie W.

Humble Runner said...

Thanks everyone! It is wonderful having my own personal cheerleaders. All my readers ROCK!

I've struggled through every workout since SMART started. That lead to me thinking, "Less is more", or at least until the weather permits a tougher workload. Wrong, right, Loco, I don’t know. When my stomach settles, I want to get back to having fun when I run.

Speaking of fun, I miss just running, particularly running long. You know those runs where you don't worry about 30 second strides, how many miles you need at tempo, or intervals? Yeah, I know it’s a bold statement, especially when I'm ONLY in week three of marathon training.

Steve Bezner said...


Last year when I trained for the mararthon on my own, I was doing nowwhere near the workouts we are doing in SMART. I finished in 4:01. These are some tough weeks and me for one am glad to see Steeve's and Bessie's comments about other people wearing out and not just us newbies.

Hang in there, you'll get it done. My opinion is too slow down if you need too, and don't worry about nailing every workout. Heck, you've already run 13 miles and completed almost all the work-outs. WTG!

It took a lot of guts to continue until your sick. Not sure I can get there.

Don't lose the faith! Come January it will all be worth it! Meanwhile, is there some dance we can do to bring on the cool fronts?

Anonymous said...

bill(sub 7 bumble bee) please consider that you might have a mild case of heat exahustion i remeber a run that you had a couple of weeks back at cullen. i feel like if this is the case that you have not recovered and might have even fanned the flames. only my opinion after reading the last two weeks of your blog. once bitten you are highly succepteble for quite awhile. i truly admire you as a runner and person and know that your self anlysis will help you to achive your end goals. thanks for inspiring all that know you. matt w.

Anonymous said...

Matt speaks the truth. Dehydration can be chronic and insidious. No need to down gallons a day or anything like that but keeping your water bottle handy during the day and drinking well before, during and after workouts should prove helpful. For me, Gatorade helps (some say for any workout longer than 1/2 and hour, others say 1 hour) and energy gels for runs longer than one hour for sure.

Since I bailed on schedule c on Tuesday (played the broken wing card) I decided to run a whole 5 miles last night. Waited until 8pm because it was still furnance-like, and got through a whole 4 of the 5 miles before deciding that was more than enough. Like Bessie says, don't be thinking you're alone in all of this.

Steeeve (or, as Andrew calls me, "Steve the human water fountain")