Thursday, May 18, 2006

Busy, busy day

Nothing significant to report about this mornings run. I completed 2.25 miles at the Humble City Park. Nice pace, considering I was pushing a jogging stroller. Started a little later than the last two morning runs, consequently it was really hot.

Activity: Run (easy)
Mileage: 2.25 miles
Time: 23:36 minutes
Location: Humble City Park (pushing jogging stroller)
How I felt (1-10): 9

Activity: Weight training
Body Part: Upper and mid-body
Time: 1-hour
Location: Home gym
How I felt: 9

Cool quote I found:
If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it - Priscilla Welch

Here is my haiku to accompany Joe C's recent blog post (yeah, I know my haiku is lame):

Boy, are my legs sore
Damn the speedwork training run
I need ice and rest

Speed training at Terry Hershey park. 2-mile warm-up, silly walks, 8 x 30/60's at 1-mile pace, and followed by 2-mile cool-down. I enjoyed myself tonight and had a hell of a good workout. Now that I am home my legs are worn and tired. Thanks Steve! I wimped out the last 30, but I maintained a decent pace. Not much time to write, so I'm keeping it short and simple. The times below are from my Garmin.

Activity: Run (speed work)
Mileage & times(s):
Warm up: 2.11 miles - 20:02
8x30/60's: 1.33 miles - 12:38
Cool down: 1.94 miles - 20:42
Location: Terry Hershey Park
How I felt: 10

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